
Friday, September 23, 2011

Museum of Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) by 501st Legion

"Design is subjective, everybody can say good and 
everybody can say this is not good"

Ok, just for completing my portfolio. This is the first personal project of museum during semester 04. The 501st Legion is one of the sci-fi community fans. Different for this project is i'm trying to use technical drawing technique in my perspectives compared to common freehand drawing technique. An also my first presentation drawing using AutoCAD and Photoshop for 2d drawings.

p/s : probably this is the most monotonous design i've ever made. LOL

UiTM Seri Iskandar FSPU Office (2010)

Hey, you guys! Today i just wanna complete my new pages for my personal portfolio. So, for this entry i gonna share a bit of my perspectives work for FSPU office project during semester 04. It taken just a few days to finish all drawings and perspectives.Thanks to my  team members Nas & Nash for this excellent group work even it is just an esquee project. Oh! This is also my first experience in Photoshop rendering perspectives. Enjoice you guys...

* FSPU - Fakulti Senibina Perancangan dan Ukur @ Faculty of Architecture, Regional Planning and Survey.

Infographics #5 - The Wild World of ROBOTS

Yes, as i said today is my sci-fi day. So, memang kepala aku pasal robot jer malam ni. Siap tgok movie segala. Ok, for this entry aku nak share lagi infographic pasal Robot. Owh ya, aku ada pengalaman pahit dalam bab robot. Aku cuma layak main robot Lego's Bionicle jer. Haha.

Infographics #4 : Cyborg On The Screen

Yeah, arini kepala aku bemain bende2 mengarut macam superhero, science-fiction, cyborg dan sebagainya. So, at the same time aku nak share sikit infographic pasal Cyborgs. Dalam semua inforgraphics yang aku tengok ni maybe first time dalam bentuk tables tapi full of WIN! Dari sini baru la aku tau macam mana karekter humanoid tu dicipta. Cool!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Project HEAD 01 - IRON MANG 'The Head Mang'

"Apa yang orang kata susah tu sebenarnya ada cara senang
kalau kita terus mencari..."

As-salam you guys. Dah banyak kali aku teaser kan Project HEAD aku kt orang ramai especially kt wall post aku. Project HEAD atau bahasa  melebornya aku gelar "Project HEroes and computer Artificial Design" atau bahasa ibundanya 'Projek Adiwira dan Senireka Buatan berkomputer'(panjang tak nama nya?haha) adalah salah satu hobi masa lapang aku dan salah satu teknik belajar aku dlm software 3ds Max ni. 

Guys, aku jenis xsuka blaja something yg straight forward tu pasal aku amik interior design. Aku suka explore dan sekarang ni 3dsMax 2010 memang jadi bahan experiment aku la. Aku jugak suka try something different dalam teknik 3d modelling. For this project, aku dah start dari tahun lepas lagi, tapi aku tertangguh pasal aku tak dapat lagi cara, konsep, teknik macam mana nak merekabentuk sesuatu benda dgn smooth. So alhamdulillah, sepanjang aku keje balik dgn company practical aku, aku banyak giler blajar dengan sifu Zoul Qwer pasal modelling, render setting, lighting. Semua lah! Banyak jugak aku nak share tutorial pasal modelling ni. Tapi everytime aku dah start nk bwt print screen lesson aku dah step ahead. So aku tgh nak blaja macam mana nak produce video for next tutorial.

So for this entry, aku introduce IRON MANG 'The Head Mang'. Kenapa 'MANG'? Ganu ke hape? Hehe, First sebab aku rasa tu keje aku dan tak perlu di samakan dengan original character. Second, nampaklah meleis version dia. And before this aku ada buat status kt fb 'Jika semua watak superhero berhelmetkan topeng iron-mang?' So, apa yang terjadi?  Hahaha. Ok. Enjoice!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Project Proposal Final Pt.6

"Apa yang terbatas di minda aku dan daya aku"

Hey guys, dah lama giler aku xblogging. Well, tu memang perangai aku. Haha. This morning ada some of my juniors ask me for a few sample how to make a design proposal. So, ape yg terlintas 'dari aku bagi kt deme sorang jer, baik aku dok post entry dlm blog aku. Bior rajin sket pale ni nk memikiow nk menaip, bior rajin sket budak2 ni datang  bertandang.haha.'(betoi perak nyer yob?)Haha. Just kidding.

Lately, ramai junior2 yg byk bertanyakan soalan pasal proposal. Especially from Bulan Studio. And soalan bese yang dorang tanya, "ko dulu propose project ape?mcm mana nk propose project". I don't mind all this question, and i don't think this is annoying. Tu lah gunanya berbaik dgn senior. 

Ok dah cukup aku bebel. Kat bawah ni ada 2 proposal dari aku yg telah sendiri di-reject dan di-proceed. Nasihat aku, deme xyah nak eager sangat tang satu project, nanti xdapat giler meroyan karang. Well, aku dah rasa. Korang biler pulak? Haha.